I read my last--very brief--post and realized that we survived the holidays, and happily, and have embarked on this new year without comment. Record for posterity I must (and for the few family members and friends who check in now and then), so here I go!
Christmas, as most things in life, did not go quite as planned. We were supposed to spend Christmas Eve with Eric's side of the family, but the day before Christmas Eve, we ended up taking Auden to the ER just to check on this nasty cough and slight fever he had been dealing with for roughly a week. It turns out he had RSV, a nasty cold virus that can cause pneumonia, especially in kids under two and people with fragile immune systems. So, we decided to contain our germs and stay home. It was quiet and a little strange, but we fixed up a dinner of crab legs (for Eric) and pasta with browned butter and mizithra cheese for me and the boys. We had stopped by Eric's parents' to swap gifts, so the boys opened a crazy amount of presents, and they went to bed at a relatively reasonable hour.
The next morning, we woke up, opened gifts from Santa, which included an indoor trampoline for Auden and a Beyblade set for Logan, and we headed down to my parents' for Christmas Day. Always good to see the fam! My cousin Tyler was on leave, and he was finally able to meet Auden and see a walking, talking Logan. If anything, the holidays remind you how fleeting time truly is. My cousins used to beat me up mercilessly. This year, they just shot Nerf discs at my husband...and, in turn, my children attacked them. Ok, so maybe it's nice to know that we really aren't so grown up after all.
The rest of our break was remarkably productive. As we fought off the cold that Auden so generously passed to the three of us, I did most of those projects that I half-heartedly put on a to-do list to accomplish during break, the ones that never actually get done. Well, this year, they got done! I cleaned out our storage room, donated three bags of toys, organized the boys' room and the new office, organized the pantry and got rid of all the stuff that had expired in '08 or something. Wow. Not that I typed that out, I feel not productive but incredibly lame.
Eric and I had the neighbors and their kids over for an early new year's celebration. The kids played together really well, and we actually got some grown-up talks in. Not bad!
We had time for laziness and leisure. Eric and I saw two--count 'em--two movies in the theater (Les Miserables, The Hobbit--bother entertaining but entirely too long), and I got hooked on the BBC series Sherlock. I also made it through Medusa's Gaze and Vampire's Bite, a so-so book that makes conjectures about the origins of various monster myths.
Auden started potty training full force. It's been weeks since I've changed a poopy diaper. It's so easy to forget how nice that fact is. Still a ways to go, but we're on the right track.
The only thing missing is my commitment to working out in any way whatsoever. But I'm finally at a point in my life when I'm feeling the effects. My legs and shoulders feel crampy in the evenings; my energy level feels rather low, and it's not just because I'm a mom. For the first time in my life, running just doesn't appeal to me. I'm thinking pilates. Maybe next month I'll see if there are any classes out there... :)
This past weekend was great--spent some time with Eric's side of the family. Always fun to see the boys play with their cousins and clown around for grandparents, aunts, and uncles.
Hope all of you are well!