Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Attack of the Tooth

Logan has been uncontrollably cranky after waking up from his short nap. Right now he's gone quiet, so hopefully he sleeps for a bit longer. I think the shrieking and thrashing is due to tooth number two coming in. It's right next to his first tooth and it looks like it's ready to erupt. Well, Logan is slightly wailing again, so maybe he's not going down. He's had some (rougher) nights recently, so I assume it's the tooth. Wow. He just let out a bellow. Maybe I should give him some baby tylenol.

Ok...I'm back from drugging the baby. He's crying still of course, but maybe he'll calm down. I feel like a bad dad when I let him cry like this. I don't know if it is productive or not. He sure doesn't seem like he's learning how to self soothe. However, he usually ends up quieting down after a bit so maybe it is worthwhile. It's just hard to be consistent when going to get him gets him to calm down immediately. At least usually. Like I said, today he wasn't being soothed even though I was holding him. Well, I can't stand the crying anymore, so I'm going in.


AAWG said...

Don't sweat it too much, Eric. They go goofy every few months & it could be anything from 'my tooth is killing me' to 'i'm mildly annoyed.' Just because they're screaming doesn't mean they're in anguish. Maybe the cold is bothering him a bit or the change in weather. Maybe he just wants another bottle.

You're not a bad dad if you try to soothe him, then let him cry it out. He'll never remember it anyhow & go on to be a fine, upstanding member of the community.

But if you think he's uncomfortable or sick, why not pop him in front of Nemo or a Baby Einstein and maybe that will distract him? Tylenol won't do anything unless he is in pain or running a high fever.

Unknown said...

The tooth thing is strange. My Wesley has his first to teeth and fussed very little. The only side effect was violent drooling. Just uncontrollable drooling. It was a good time.