Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We Like Tuesday

Tuesday is a nice day. Thor's day. Logan and I like Thor. Lightning is cool. Speaking of cool, Logan is now six months old. My how time flies! Speaking of Thor, it's gently raining here in DeKalb. Logan is taking a nap and I'm sitting here blogging away. The legs are getting easier to walk on and I'm starting to settle back into the normal routine of daddyhood. Ahhhh!

Not being Logan's primary caregiver this weekend was a change. The time away made me really appreciate just how lucky I am. Honestly, it seemed like Logan grew up in the few days that I was gone. He actually became cuter if that's possible.

However, that initial euphoria of our reconnection has worn off a bit today since he is especially crabby. Just recently he woke up from a short nap crying and I didn't understand why. Turns out he was hungry even though he ate just 40 minutes earlier. No problem. I fed him a bottle and he went down for a longer nap and is still sleeping. That's a bit unusual for Logan (falling back asleep after a short nap), but I'll take it.

Tomorrow Logan is getting his six month vaccinations! Yikes. He has been really good with shots, so I don't think it will be that big of a deal. It is actually harder on Carly and I than on Logan, I think. Then again, maybe not. Getting shots is never fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude! Evan got his 6 month shots on the 26th and he was fine for about 3 hours. Then he started screaming at the top of his lungs, followed by that horrible cry that makes him gasp for breath. After that he moaned for about an hour and finally went to sleep. It all lasted about 3 hours. He still has a red bump at the injection site. Not only that, he has a tooth, one more coming in and an ear infection! It's so sad. Anyway, good luck tomorrow! I want to hear all about it.