Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Daddy is sick. Whatever virus Logan has, I have with a vengeance. There's nothing better on a Tuesday evening than puking in the shower and sitting on the toilet for the 12th time. Hopefully this passes with a good night's sleep. G'night.


Anonymous said...

I hope you both are feeling better soon. there's nothing worse than having to take care of a sick baby while you're sick yourself. Good Luck Carly, I hope your immune system is strong enough to fight this stuff.
Get better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better soon Eric. I vaguely remember family time with the flu bugs, it's no fun! Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better soon Eric. I vaguely remember family time with the flu bugs, it's no fun! Take care.

Anonymous said...

Good visual Hilly!!
Hope you boys are feeling better soon, and that Carly fits herself with a protective plastic bubble!