Friday, February 20, 2009

Zen Parable: The Sound of One Baby Crying

The sound of one baby crying can be a deafening thing if you are the parent of that baby. Right now Logan is wailing in the other room and I'm typing away trying to ignore it. I've been in there three times already and am determined not to make it a fourth. He doesn't want to be put down! It's the most maddening and endearing thing in the world. I hold him and rock him and he closes his eyes and his little body relaxes and all is peaceful and right in the world and I feel like the best father ever. Heaven forbid that I want to do something else and put him down in his crib. "Oh no you didn't," he protests and so begins the tempest that is Logan Daniel Hill. It doesn't seem to matter if I hold him 5 or 15 minutes. He knows when he's being put down. I understand he's upset because he's sick, (baby vik's vapo all rubbed in) but he's also got to understand that I can't hold him all of the time, that Daddy needs some time away. One side of me feels that I'm cruel, unfair, and selfish, and the other side feels like I'm being perfectly reasonable. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
There, that feels better. Although he's still crying. Not with the same fervor, but he's still making noise. The sound of one baby

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry Hilly.
but it sounds like you are doing an excellent job trying to establish some baby-boundaries!
hang in there!