Friday, March 6, 2009

Springin' 11 Month Old

Logan turned 11 months old today...for all you math whizzes out there that is one month shy of a year. He's getting so big! Wow.

Today we very much enjoyed the weather. Logan and I sat in the backyard on the grass for at least an hour, soaking up the sun, exploring branches and twigs, just having a great time overall. He didn't really put anything his mouth which was a nice change. We got a chance to daydream about the warm Spring to come and the hot Summer days where we'll be playing in the sprinkler and tending the garden. Logan'll be walking by then, I imagine, and I know he is going to love being outside. It felt perfect out there today. I know that the world is filled with all sorts of worry, anxiety, depression, hatred, and negativity, but I also know that my boy and I experienced profound moments of peace and tranquility simply sitting in the backyard grass in the sun.

Don't forget to move your clocks forward an hour tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, and just think--a few short months from now it'll be, "Logan, come down from the tree!!" "Logan, don't eat that caterpillar" "Logan, get off the roof!!"
Happy Birthday little man--you're looking adorable and toothy!!

Anonymous said...

That's has to be one of the cutest photos! oooOO and that cute little belly!