Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Balloons Can Go "Pop"

Logan and I have had a solid day even though I wiped his green snotty nose about a million times (he hates it). Although he does enjoy it when I try to teach him to blow out through his nose. Why he thinks that is so hilarious I don't know.
It was just him and me today since Carly had parent teacher conferences tonight. Anyway, he absolutely loves his birthday balloons and has been getting very friendly with them. He was really wrestling with them and being aggressive, attempting to bite them and I thought for sure they were going to pop on him, but they didn't because I took them away. I realized that he had no idea balloons could pop and I found that really amazing. He doesn't know a lot of things. This is both a good thing and something that will eventually change. Eventually, a balloon will pop on him and he'll probably get scared and then he'll know that balloons can pop. Lesson learned. But the cool thing about being a parent is that I get to create and manipulate this "learning environment." If I was all hands off I would let him pop a balloon by himself so it would scare him and then he'd be getting a lesson from the school of hard knocks. But instead, I think tomorrow we'll do an experiment in balloon popping. Together we'll pop a balloon; I'll be teaching him that sometimes unexpected things happen and that's ok. He won't have to go it alone on this nugget of experience.

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