Hello--it's Carly again. I'm blogging on Eric's behalf because he has been slaving all day building walls in the basement. The new bathroom is coming together, and I think Eric will come out relatively unscathed (only minor cuts and burns so far, knock on wood). Logan and I had our second play date today--this time Dianna, a friend I know through West, hosted with her two darling girls, and Nicole, another friend from West, came with her little boy Austin. Now Logan did really well at the park yesterday. Within five minutes he hugged a little girl, which was pretty adorable, and he had fun playing in the sand and going down the slides with Levi, a little boy about his age. Today, however, was a different story. He and the other kids were playing nicely for a good hour or so while we moms were sitting and chatting. Before long, the kids wandered into the play room, and soon after, we heard crying--it was Austin. He stopped crying when we came into the room, but when Nicole checked him over, she noticed he had bite marks on his cheek. Natalie, Dianna's little girl, was standing there, and I asked her if Logan had bitten Austin. She replied, "Mmm-Hmm." The statement "I felt bad" doesn't begin to describe how I was feeling. What is it in the toddler's psyche that makes biting and hitting ok? Is this behavior just further proof that we really are savages beneath a civilized facade? When I told Eric about the episode, he said, "So, I guess you probably won't be asked back for another play date, huh?" Funny...and probably true.
Here's a picture my dad just sent of our little ruffian. You'll notice the shark motif on his ensemble. I didn't know how fitting that getup would be for our little guy.
LOL! They ALL do that, don't worry. We sort of are animals underneath it all, at least in the beginning, until we have someone reprimand us to channel our emotions differently. The moms that don't get invited back are the ones whose kids are complete barbarians & never seem to get yelled at or even redirected. (I've known a few!) You, Carly, are not that mom. (Not that I know you, but I can tell.)
Thanks, Liz. I know it's normal behavior, but I guess feel like my kid shouldn't be "normal" around new friends! :) A rather illogical idea, but I think this whole experience will help me react more calmly when Logan gets chomped on one day. :) BTW, Nicole just emailed and said we should go to a water park in St. Charles some day...after nap time this time. So I guess Logan isn't that scary after all. :)
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