Just wanted to post an update on things. Sorry in advance for the randomness, but I just wanted to put down some "bookmark moments," if you know what I mean.
I was driving home with the boys the other afternoon, and Logan was rather toasty in his car seat, the sun beating down on him. He said, "Hey, mom! The sun is following us home!...Does the sun love us?"
Yesterday, I was told that Logan didn't want to nap, but Miss Dawn told him to stay in his room and rest. When he finally came out of the room, there was yellow all over his face. She went into the room and found that not only did Logan not nap, but he had taken a marker (washable, thank goodness), and colored the walls, various dolls, and the carpet yellow. She said, "Logan, we need to talk about this." He replied, "No, Miss Dawn. I don't want to discuss this right now." Really?! She did make him feel remorseful, though, by making him apologize to the girls for trashing their bedroom. Apparently, he broke down in tears after his apology.
All four of Auden's molars and his last bottom incisor are coming in at the same time. He's surprisingly pleasant despite the ouchiness he must be feeling, but he's waking up more frequently at night. He always seems to wake up about 10-15 minutes before my alarm is set to go off. Infuriating. I'm wondering if Eric just naturally sleeps that soundly, or if he's playing possum.
Always the happy eater, Auden has finally learned to feed himself with a spoon. He takes in a big mouthful of yogurt and says, "Aahm!" with this self-satisfied grin.
My parents came in a couple of weekends ago, and we went to the orchard. Seems hard to believe we went there one year ago toting Auden in a Baby Bjorn. Now he's toddling around of his own volition--he even played in the corn silo. Logan tried so hard to ride their John Deere tricycles last year and couldn't reach the pedals. This year, he sped around the dusty circle track, effortlessly maneuvering around the smaller, slower kids.
We had some family pictures taken. Logan was running around like a maniac. Auden was crabby and crying, and he had a big red bug bite under his eye. The only time we had the boys sitting together, Logan wouldn't smile, only stuck his tongue out at the camera. It will be amazing if we have one picture that looks decent.
Eric's huge goldfish were on the brink of death a couple of weeks ago, but they fought back and only lost one member of their ranks to shock. I'm relieved we don't have to test the flushing capabilities of our toilet.
And yesterday Eric brought home a scooter from the '80s. It doesn't run. And it's hideous. I think our friend Adam said it best by quoting a line from Dumb and Dumber: "Just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you do a thing like this...and totally redeem yourself!!!
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