Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Vomit Catching

So as my latest facebook post mentioned, I caught Logan's vomit in my bare hands today.

I got home from work and went to pick up Logan and Auden at Jen's house. As I walked in the door, Logan began to cry and seemed pretty miserable all curled up in a chair. I knew something was up. He felt hot and was not right. He sits up as we are about to go and projectile vomit begins to spew forth. I cup my hands out and he blows chunks of noodle into my outstretched palms. I felt terrible for him and yes, I too wanted to ralph. (Did I spell ralph, right?). Anyway, Logan must have some sort of bug. Yesterday, it was coming out of Auden's other end (six times according to Jen). T.M.I., I know.

Having children is all smiles, gumdrops, and rainbows, right? Wrong. It's worry, and handfuls of vomit, and an awful feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see them throwing up in the toilet. Hardly seems fair that the lil' ones need experience that. I guess it's part of being human: pain, discomfort, embarrassment and vomit. Anyway, I've always been pretty good at throwing up. Logan seems to be alright at it too. Like father, like son, I guess.

Staying home from school tomorrow with the boys. Perhaps I will have a "Daddy is Home" adventure to share on the blog.


EM Hum said...

Time to teach him the fine art of the barf bucket. Good times! (We did that last November)

Hopefully it's one of those "one-time" barf bugs and not every hour for 8 hours.

Good luck!

auntie marlene said...

Hope the boys are feeling better soon and that you and Car stay healthy.