Monday, August 13, 2012


Yesterday was officially my last day of freedom. I started back to school today, and in preparation for the coming school year, I went a little crazy trying to cram all of the little tasks I "needed" to do into one day. I think on some level my frantic scurrying around is my way of avoiding the onset of a big change in our schedules. I also think it's a way for me to deal with mommy guilt. I'm leaving my kids in the hands of other people for most of the day, but, damn it, they're going to know I love them because they'll have all the stuff they need, along with a meticulously prepared lunch! (Ok, so maybe it's not so meticulous.) But I seriously hate the fact that Auden would be back in daycare today (even though his sitter is great) and that Logan would be in preschool for the whole day.

After doing a few loads of laundry, I decided Logan (not to mention Eric) needed a couple more pairs of shorts, so we went off to Kohl's just before dinner. The boys were a bit wild and instead of watching the boys dancing around in the checkout line, Eric took them into the breezeway by the doors, I guess so they could potentially knock over shoppers entering the store. Anyway, just as I was making my way to the doors myself with all of our new duds, I see Auden screaming his little head off. Apparently, Logan had opened the door a couple of times and let it fall back. Auden decided to reach up just as it was closing, and the door instead closed on his tiny pointer finger. It looked pretty awful, and I was about to cry, telling Eric we needed to go to the hospital. My rational side was thinking, "It's his fingertip. What are they going to do if it's broken anyway?" My hysterical mommy side was thinking, "But what if his finger is crushed?! I just want some assurance that his finger is not going to fall off."

We ended up going home since he calmed down pretty quickly in the car, and we tried to put some ice on it. I knew he would be OK when instead of crying, he said he wanted to go outside and play with Jackson and Mimi. It looks better today, but his fingernail may well fall off. As if that weren't enough trauma for him, one of his little daycare buddies bit him twice today. I sure hope tomorrow's an easier day for him.

When I asked Logan how his first day of full-day preschool was, he said "it was really confusing." As for his lunch, he somehow misplaced his sandwich, so he ate a bag of grapes, some goldfish, and a yogurt  today. The woman who runs the preschool asked, "Did you pack Logan's sandwich in a blue plastic box?" Yes, I had. They found the box and sandwich somewhere on a lunch table and asked all of the children if it was theirs. Logan, apparently, denied it was his, even though they were pretty sure it was his. He was adamant. It was not his sandwich. So he went without until the end of the day when I explained that, yes, it was his sandwich. "I wondered why my lunch was so small," Logan said with a chuckle. Then he devoured his sandwich in the car on the way home. Thankfully, the preschool teacher had put the sandwich in the refrigerator for the day. Best laid plans, right?

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