Friday, September 5, 2008

Tooty: the 8th Dwarf

Logan can really pass the gas. You wouldn't think such a small baby could create the necessary force for such loud noises, but you'd be wrong. He is a champion farter. No one ever tells you that your child is going to make these noises. Obviously, you are aware on some level that they will fart, but being present when a massive rip occurs is something else.

Logan's best ones are in the morning around 5ish. The pressure in his belly actually rouses him from sleep and Carly and I help the process along a bit by pushing his knees to his belly. Another amazing feature of Logan's gas is the duration. Boy, does he have sustaining power. I've timed a quick succession of farts at just under 30 seconds...the longest ones can last for over 10 seconds. Truly, it is a natural wonder that such a small person can make such powerful noises. On the bright side of all this, his gas doesn't have an odor yet. But next month we introduce solid foods, so I suppose we will have to wait and see.

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