Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Can't Think of a Title

Logan is becoming such an agile little monkey. He really seems to enjoy climbing on/over things now. I boost him onto the couch and he crawls across onto the little table we have. He then tries to stand on the table. It's cute and dangerous.

He walked all over the place today. We visited my parents and he was walking up and down little molehills, running down the hill and tripping over his feet, and trudging up the hills slowly. He also chased the cat and dogs around the house. He did a nice job on the stairs (supervised of course) and is getting the handle on walking on uneven surfaces. It really is adorable watching him toddle around because he still seems so tiny and his little buddha belly sticks out in front of him. I love it. Anyway, I'm so very proud of little walking Logan.

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