Monday, May 4, 2009


Logan has a rash all over his poor, little body and it's itchy and nasty. It seems he has had some sort of allergic reaction to the antibiotics. Luckily he got seven days in before this happened so at least he's kicked out the ear infection, however he was supposed to be taking it for 10 days. He's not anymore because of this:

The rash came on last night in the middle of the night. (Why does he always get sick on Sundays?) He did not sleep well, at all. Therefore, we did not sleep well, at all. We thought he was just being fussy pants Logan and so we tried to ignore him, tried to soothe him, and tried to bring him to bed with us--normal stuff. None of that worked too well so we just suffered, as did he. When he woke up with the morning light I then saw what he was so fussy about. Poor guy. I took him to the pediatrician yet again and it's benadryl and anti-itch cream for Logan. It seems that this is a fairly common thing, but it still sucks. Nobody likes to see their child covered in itchy rash.


leah said...

Poor buddy!! Hope he's feeling better soon, and that you like applying gobs of cream and lotions!!

Christine said...

I'm also allergic to a form of antibiotics too. I remember breaking out in hives too. Not fun.

grammy renee said...

Hope Logan feels better soon. His grandpa George is allergic to penicillin. I hope the benadryl works to keep the itch away and I also hope that you get some rest! We are thinking about all of you.

Unknown said...

Dude, what antibiotic was he on, maybe there was a bad batch. Zoe got a rash from amoxi last week. Hmmph. Hope he feels better soon.

great auntie marlene said...

I sorry the little boy has a rash but I'm not sure that he is Logan. The kid in the pictures doesn't look like the baby I saw just a few weeks ago!
He is definitely growing up too fast!

Hope he's feeling better soon.