Thursday, September 11, 2008

Monkeying Around

In the morning, I've gotten into the habit of eating a bowl of multi-grain cheerios with a sliced up banana in them. Mmmmm. I usually plop down in front of Logan on his mat and eat my bowl of cereal all the while making funny faces and chewing noises at him. I'm sure he is going to grow up to have immaculate table manners. Today he was especially interested, and I wondered what would happen if I let him gnaw on a banana slice. At first he was a bit hesitant, but then once that banana flavor hit his tastebuds, he was like a little monkey. He only had the smallest little chunk, but he seemed to like it. Solid foods are going to be fun. I'm excited about that step. So in honor of his banana tasting, I staged a picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww it looks like he was crying! He is getting so big!