Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008...these are the days of our lives.

The Year of Logan, 2008, is coming to an end tonight and we're going to celebrate.

We're headed over to Jen & Ben Bartel's place for a "baby new year." Nita & Matt, Jim & Shonda and Carly and I will all be in attendance as well as all of our new little boys. It's sort of a super playdate. I hope Logan doesn't drink too much know how those lightweight babies are. Ha.

Actually, I think I can speak for all the new parents that we hope the babies all go to sleep around 7-ish. That way, we get to have some adult play time. Here's my prediction though: Logan won't sleep. Yeah...I know...where would I ever get that idea...Logan not sleep in a strange place....but seriously, I envision all the other baby boys sleeping soundly around midnight while Carly and I kiss each one of Logan's cheeks as he smiles cherub-like when 2009 swoops in. Now that I think about it, I might be a little disappointed if he isn't awake...nah...just kidding.

Happy New Year everyone!

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