Saturday, December 27, 2008


I've been a bit of a blog procrastinator as of late. My entries have been a bit basic and I've actually missed a few days. Oops. Chalk it up to the holiday season I suppose. I plan on re-commiting myself with all my New Year's energy so expect big things in 2009. I imagine Logan will be full of energy too so I think I'll have lots of material.

We made it back from East Alton yesterday through pea soup fog. It was the worst driving conditions I think I have ever experienced and yet we drove in it for over four hours. I simply had to focus on the white line to my right and the dashed white lines to my left, occasionally seeing the red of brake lights in front of me. It was pretty intense, but we went slow and we eventually got home. Reminded me of that scene in On The Road...Kerouac and Dan Cody I think driving through the jungle with no I was driving I thought that what we were doing was a good metaphor for life, but I don't have the energy to explain it right now...

Logan had on a camoflouge outfit on today which was a hand-me-down from my cousins...he was crawling around on all fours with his usual exuberance and he looked like a baby soldier desperately avoiding enemy fire. I'd say it was cute...and it was...but now that I think about the image, it's kind of scary too. I don't feel like discussing that either. I'm done writing for now.

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