Friday, December 12, 2008

Did I Say Best Sleep Ever?

I lied in my previous post. Last night was the best sleep ever!!! Logan went to sleep at 7:00 in the p.m. and woke up at 7:00 in the a.m. He slept through the night!!! 12 whole hours!!! HOLY MOLY! Whose child is this?

Maybe Logan learned something about sleep from his playdate yesterday. Evan and Nathan are good sleepers, so maybe they told Logan the secret to a successful night of sleep. Speaking of the playdate, it went well. Only Logan was a bit grabby with his hands. He's not a bully, but he was making Evan cry a lot. Logan just was so excited and slappy and grabby. Anyway, here's a few pictures of the visit.


AAWG said...

Those are some adorable little boys! My husband says we'll keep going until I have a boy, I say that is a great way to have eight girls.

...And for the record, I'd stop WAY before hitting the 8 mark.

Anonymous said...

You were right, that IS a good noogie-shot! Especially since Logan looks so proud of himself with it!!
thanks again, DeKalb Roadside Assistance!