Friday, November 6, 2009

Poo poo in the potty!

We are on the verge of exciting times here at the Hill household. Logan is showing some signs that he may be ready to begin potty training.
A few weeks ago, Logan started alerting us to "poo poo" in his pants, so we decided to get him a little potty to see if he showed any interest in using it. Lo and behold, last night, he decided to sit on the potty and make a small deposit. After dropping off his...stuff, he quickly stood up, turned around to see what he had left behind, exclaimed, "eeew!" and ran off naked down the hall. Before I could catch him, though, his big step forward was accompanied by a small step back...he peed in the hallway. "Logan," I said, "poo poo and pee pee go in the potty." Hopefully those sage words sunk in.
And so begins our long journey on the road to underwearhood...While we're not sure we'll start full-on potty training yet (he's 19 months today), I'd appreciate any sage words any of you might have to share on the topic! Thanks in advance!


leah said...

Tell him that the kitty-cats did it once upon a time--and you guys were so proud of them then!!
Big boy steps Logan--way to go!

Adolfo said...

i support the theory that we should all wear diapers. Having to stop and sit everyday wastes time. The kid has it right, we should all be so lucky to wear a crapbag on our hips.

Nita said...

Dude! Evan went poo poo in the potty yesterday too! Great minds think alike! Right, boys!?!! Did Logan get a Pluto sticker on his "Potty Reward Board" too?