Saturday, February 18, 2012


So, you all know how Logan used to call his blanky "Beedon." Auden has similarly become attached to his special blanket, and last night as I was putting him down to sleep, he started to fuss and thrash around. "Beedy!" He whined, and as soon as I gave him his blanky, he was fine. He folded his little hands behind his head, like he always does when he's going off to sleep, sighed a pleasant "Beedy!" and settled down for the night.

We're noticing a rush of words starting to erupt from Auden lately. It's a welcome sound! According to Grammy Sue, he said "rock star" the other day, which is probably the coolest verbal outburst, but the more consistent ones are "birds," "water," "stinky," hello," "bye-bye." He counts off, "one, two, three...go!" and says "no" with a dramatic head shake whenever he can. He still calls Eric "Mommy," which is funny. When we correct him, he just smiles, points to Eric, and says "Mommy" again, like he's just doing it for the sake of defying us. It's become a little inside joke. He's doing these funny little dances, too. Picture the haka ...maybe that's too aggressive...ok, a sumo stance--that's pretty much it.

Tomorrow Logan will embark on his first show-and-tell speech. This little assignment brought to mind how funny my young child's mind is. His teacher asked him to bring one or two toys, etc., that are really special to him and be prepared to say a little something about them. On the way home, I asked him what he was planning to bring: A Superman figure given to him by his Uncle Jim and Aunt Karen and a monster truck given to him by Papa George. I guess it's pretty remarkable that he can remember who gave him these toys, since he and Auden have a ridiculous amount of toys, but I was wondering what made them so special. He goes through phases, and those two toys are certainly hot items lately.
"Because they are special, so special," he said, as though it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Yes, but why do you like them so much?"
"I just do."
"Do you think of the people who gave you those toys when you play with them?"
"Yeah." That's it. Nothing complicated. He just really likes those toys because they're cool--duh, mom--and he likes the people who gave the toys to him.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Logan says

Logan was pulling his blankie across the living room floor, and Auden hopped on. For a few seconds, he rode the blanket standing up. "Hey," Logan said, "it looks like Auden's walking on the water, just like Jesus!"

Thursday, February 9, 2012

No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Auden got his first nosebleed today, in a very boyish fashion. I was making dinner; Eric was in our bedroom, where the boys were playing on our bed. Eric left to fill up the humidifier, and whamo, the boys collided, Logan's head into Auden's face. When I came into the room, both boys were crying, and Auden had a bloody snot bubble ballooning out of his left nostril. The bleeding stopped quickly, but I have to admit, I did wonder if I'd have a toddler version of John Kerry on my hands for a second there. Later, Auden was eating some yogurt--his favorite method of eating it is by taking the little tub, clamping it in the middle, and drinking it. Mainly, he ends up with a nice coating of yogurt all over his nose and mouth. Tonight, he had a little added color to his yogurt face, as his nose had started leaking again. Yuck. But still funny.