Sunday, December 27, 2009

Eric & Carly

I was trying to get Logan to say my name, Eric, and it came out as "Egg-yolk." When asked to say his Mommy's name, "Carly," Logan said "Car-row." It was just so darn cute and blog-worthy that I had to post a lil' entry. Maybe I'll even post the video of it.

We're off to brave the roads headed down to E. Alton for a Koprivica visit. "Egg-yolk" signing off.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Crabbies

Merry Christmas, everybody!

Logan spent his latest night out ever last night at the Hills' house for Christmas Eve. He had a blast running around with his cousins until he clobbered Kaleb and got a time-out. Everyone thought it was hilarious how he was facing the corner at the end of the hall, crying. I guess it works in his favor that even when Logan is in trouble he's entertaining. He was particularly fond of Isabel, Jackie's new baby. He kept climbing up on the lap of whomever was holding the baby and pointing at the little bundle, smiling and saying "baby-o!"

Unfortunately, Logan started sneezing like a maniac later in the evening, and what we hoped might be an allergic reaction to the dogs or the relatives (ha!) ended up being a pretty yucky cold. We finally left the Hills' around 11:00 in the rain, and Logan soon was snoring in the back. He made up for his quick sleep in the car by waking up shrieking three times in the night. He felt pretty miserable, poor guy, but I rubbed some of the natural Vick's stuff Auntie Christine gave us, and that seemed to help. Nevertheless, he woke up around 9:30 pretty crabby, but we ate a small breakfast and then opened presents, and that helped raise his spirits. We got some pretty good video of him opening his toys--he particularly liked his hot wheels and keyboard. We bought him a little karaoke mic, too, but he hasn't quite found his voice for it yet. :)

We spent the rest of the day lazing around, napping and such. After his nap, he got down to The Fugees--pretty funny, and now we're getting ready to get his bee-don (blankie) and cuddle on the couch some more on this rainy, cold Christmas Day.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Santa is Coming!

So, my friend Barb bought this really cute Christmas book for Logan. Every time you open a page, it plays a little Christmas song or makes a jingle bell noise or a "ho, ho, ho." Logan bobs his head to the beat of the music and quickly closes and opens the page again to hear the little ditty one more time. Now, I'm not bananas about Christmas, so we haven't taken Logan to see Santa at this point, nor have I explained the whole Santa tale, but he learned Santa's name and the sounds he makes through this little book. It's pretty cute. You ask, "Hey, Logan, how does Santa go?" and Logan replies, "ho, ho, ho," then giggles.
Logan also got a cool little coloring tablet that plays music. When you color on the paper, it can sense how quickly you're coloring, and it causes the pace of the music to quicken. It's pretty funny to see Logan sitting in the floor, listening to the music and bobbing his head while scribbling colors everywhere.
On a completely unrelated note, the Hill family got the swine flu vaccine tonight. Logan and I took it like a champ, but Eric's arm still hurts. Maybe his nurse had a lousy technique--I didn't think it was that bad. So if we're walking backwards or if this is my last post that isn't in pig latin or some other ridiculous side effect befalls us, you'll know why.
Merry Christmas to all, in case I don't have a chance to post again!

Monday, December 14, 2009


It's a statement a parent never wants to hear: "Your daycare called; she says she wants you to call her. It's an emergency." I was in the middle of my 2nd hour class, and our school's secretary had just given me the news. Immediately, my limbs start to feel jittery and my heart begins to race. "Do you know what happened?" I asked. "She says he fell." "Oh my gosh! Dawn has stairs! Did he fall down the stairs?" I was thinking to myself as I left my classroom to call Dawn.
Turns out, Logan was trying to climb up on their couch, but failed on the execution and instead launched himself into the wrought-iron leg of her coffee table. "He's fine now. He cried when he fell. He's been acting fine and I've been icing the bump, but he needs to be checked," Dawn explained.
To make matters worse, I had noticed my wallet was missing yesterday. After rummaging through the house and my car, I had not yet found it and just went to school with my fingers crossed that I would not be pulled over for anything. Of course, I need to go to the emergency room the day I have no insurance cards! But just when I was about to burst into tears from the horrible chain of events, I opened my car door to find my wallet wedged between the seat and the floorboard. My jaw dropped--How the heck had I not noticed it there before?! In any case, I was thankful that the big guy decided to cut me a break on this one.
With wallet in hand, I made it to Dawn's in record time to find Logan in fine spirits. He looked at me, as if to explain his predicament, and said "Boom!" while patting his head gingerly. And from the looks of it, "Boom" is exactly the way it must have sounded when head met table leg. Man, does he have a massive bump on his noggin.
So I took him to the local urgent care center, which is, conveniently, right down the street from my school, and he checked out just fine. Usually Logan is a real bear at the doctor's office, but the nurse had the brilliant idea of giving him some crayons so he could color on the paper bed cover. (Why did I never think of that?) And he really seemed to like the doctor, albeit after eyeing him suspiciously at first. Logan's going to have a nice bump and probably a colorful scalp for a while, but no concussion--good news.
I took him back to Dawn's just in time for his nap and made it back to school a little over an hour after I had left. What a crazy Monday!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

20 Month Old Wonder

Logan is two days over 20 months old. Whoa! Quantum leap going on here. He's going to be asking me for car keys any moment.

Logan's vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. He can repeat nearly any word that we say to him provided that it doesn't have an R or an L in it. Logan has never attempted to say his name "Logan" and I find that a bit curious since it's the word that he probably hears the most, although "chock wat" is a close second. Our boy can't get enough sweets. We try not to give him too much, but we succumb to his adorable begging often. And it's the holidays, right?

This is probably T.M.I but when Logan has to poop he tends to try and hide under or behind things like chairs or under the Christmas tree. He gets real quiet (which is unusual) and seems to want his privacy. Hopefully soon we can encourage him to use the potty instead of secretly pooping his pants. (He's not fooling anybody). Anyway, not too enlightening a post, but it's all I gots...

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Logan does quite the imitation of Linus from the Charlie Brown cartoons. He carries his "Bee-Don" around whenever we let him. "Bee-Don" is Logan speak for "blanket." Carly's Mom crocheted Logan a blanket that he's been using for his entire 20 months of life. He loves his blanket and chews on the corners to put himself to sleep. The corners get so smelly and gross that we have to wash his bee-don frequently. Ewww.

So I'm flirting with the idea of blogging again (I being Eric). What do ya think?