Monday, September 28, 2009


So today was a typical Monday--so frustrating! It was the day back from Homecoming weekend, so my Juniors were comatose. I took the Freshmen to the computer lab to show them how to format papers--how can something so simple be so tedious!? When I picked up Logan, I was in a sour mood, and my mood didn't improve when I learned he was "a bit rough" with Kaleb again.
On I drove, thinking of how bad the day sucked, when I noticed Logan singing this really nasally "Neener, nah, nah, nee, nee" or something similar to that. I turned around only to find him with his pointer finger waaay up his nose, twisting his digit to the beat of his song.
"Okay, this is a bad habit that could form. Should I tell him to stop, or will that only exacerbate the situation?" That thought went through my mind at about the same time that I burst out laughing. Bad habits be damned! That silliness is just what pulled me out of my gloomy mood!
Thought I would post a new pic--it's of Logan picking another orifice, a more acceptable one this time, but the Paul Frank outfit was furnished by my friend Barb. Thanks, Barb!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mr. Kissy Face

I guess staying with a bunch of girls must have its advantages for Logan. He has become quite the affectionante little boy--he loves giving kisses. He gives his bear and frog puppet kisses; he gives daddy and mommy kisses. And when I put him to bed, he blows kisses good-night.
Aside from kissing, Logan has had a fun time with a picture book my brother Greg got him. It has these really beautiful pictures of all sorts of animals, and he loves pointing at the pictures and making the noises they do. Tonight, he said "cockadoodle doo!" for the rooster and beat his chest for the gorilla. The cuteness just keeps on coming.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Hello, everyone!
We've been pretty busy these days--much to tell! First, our cats underwent surgery last Tuesday. They had bad teeth, which we had known for some time, but at their last vet visit, he decided a cleaning and more drastic measures were in order. The poor kitties lost three molars collectively, but by now they seem to be feeling back to normal, more or less...I guess less in their case...Lesson learned: When the vet tells you to put some gel on your cats' gums each night, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, just do it!
Logan is doing better at daycare. His report today said, "Logan is learning to make friends!" I just hope once Kaleb, his cousin, is back in the mix he will be as good. He seems to attack when Kaleb is having his diaper changed. Cross your fingers, everyone.
We went to Kite Fest this weekend, the 4th annual celebration in DeKalb. Basically, the townies and other kite enthusiasts get together in a field just north of campus and fly their kites for a few hours. It was a beautiful day, but, sadly, there was little wind. Still, we made the most of it. There was a kite-making booth, so Logan decorated and later flew his little creation. It was easy to coax him into flying his kite because his new game is Chase! So Eric just ran after him, and he took off, kite trailing behind him.
We're also hearing all sorts of funny new words coming out of Logan these days. He says "wawa" for water and "yuck" when he sees something gross. But what we're having the most fun with is teaching him "Foo doo fa fa" from Flight of the Conchords. Auntie Christine turned us on to the show and the song when we visited this summer. So we started singing it, and Logan picked up the "fa fa" and "ay-ya" right away. We'll keep you posted on how the rest of it comes along...
Until then, enjoy a link to the silliness and just imagine Logan chiming in with his little "ay-ya." :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Precious...

So our TV remote had been missing for a couple of weeks. Eric was beside himself, as you can imagine. Bears preseason kicked off, and he had to walk 3 paces to the TV to turn up the volume, turn the channel, etc. sniff, sniff. We had looked under the couch, behind the couch, in the toy boxes (since Logan is especially fond of the remote), in our bedroom. We had no idea where it could be, and again, knowing Logan's love for the remote, we knew he could have carried it just about anywhere. Eric even theorized Logan had thrown the remote away, and that it was long gone with last week's garbage.
Well, tonight, as I was picking up random stuff off the floor, I noticed the remote under the couch. It must have been wedged between the sections in our couch and finally had fallen through. Eric was watching TV, and I sat it next to him without a word. He grudgingly looked away from the screen, and suddenly a look of recognition swept over his face. He gasped with delight like a child at Christmas time. "My remote!" He lovingly stroked it, knowing his life is now complete again.
Logan is still "transitioning" to daycare. His ear is doing better, but he's still throwing fits in the evenings. I'm definitely feeling mommy guilt, but I have to remind myself this is only week two.