Logan's nearly two now, and within the past week or so, he's really started to act his age. Usually, it's pretty funny when he asserts his personality, but today, with the second day of minimal napping and late bedtimes, it can be rather painful. As soon as we got home from school today, I had the pleasure of making dinner with the little tike hanging on to my leg while he was screaming random words. "Banana!" Thinking he wanted a banana, I peeled one and offered him a piece. "NO!" And he threw himself, kicking and screaming, in a fit of rage on the floor. This pattern continued through dinner, until it seems he finally started eating well. I guess all of the screaming he did helped him work up an appetite.
After dinner, he asked for apple slices, so I put those slices in a little bowl. What does he do? Throws them on the floor. I thought maybe he was just doing the aforementioned banana thing and rejecting what I had given him. Turns out he wanted the apples; he was just really against the whole bowl thing. After I had washed off the apple slices, he gathered them up into his fist and made his way into the living room to munch them whilst watching World News with Daddy-o.
This weekend was filled with funniness as well. Logan prefers to drink out of a regular glass now, and instead of drinking milk out of his sippy cup, he wanted milk from my glass. He took quite a few swigs and then put the glass down on his high chair. I said, "Hey, Logan. Can I have my milk back?" He replied, shaking his finger at me, "No, no, Momma! MY Milk!"
Sometimes Eric and I just laugh, and sometimes we look at each other and ask, "Why are we having another child again?" Oh, yeah. We're having another baby in August, blog-readers. But most of you already know this. :)
Well, I'm off for now...must...grade...more...papers...
And here I was just going to offer to babysit and give you two a night off! I guess I will wait until Logan's five...or six...or maybe a teenager....
(Just toss your papers down the basement stairs: top stair is an A, next stair is a B.....)
I LOVE Leah's theory for grading papers! Logan's personality is really shining through. Those tantrums always seem to appear when everyone is tired, not just the almost two year old! Take care!
500 bucks if you name the new boy Adolfo. 1000 if you name her Adolfina.
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