Thursday, July 15, 2010


Carly, and myself to some degree, are nesting. Nesting at a furious pace. Yesterday we organized drawers, cleaned out closets, wiped and sprayed down mini-blinds, washed windows, vacuumed, refolded linens, organized tupperware, and an assortment of other nesting related activities. And when I say "we" I mean mostly Carly. Anyway, if I was a betting man I'd say that our new arrival is coming soon. I guess a day or so before I was born my Mom began cleaning house furiously too. We are looking forward to baby Auden entering this world. Auden Henry Hill is the finalist for a name we think. Even though the family on both sides received this name with less than enthusiasm, Carly and I and Logan still really like the ring of it. Auden isn't that weird and unusual sounding, is it?


C said...

I don't think Auden is a crazy name. I like it and I like that it's unique..makes a kid feel more special unlike the millions of Christine, don't get me wrong i like it just wish I had a more unique name. Auden Henry Hill has a nice ring to it. :)

EM Hum said...

I like it too. The world doesn't need another Jackson.

Jackie said...

Auden is definitely growing on me :) Henry is so cute. Is it after great grandpa Hill? Or someone else?

joven said...
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