Sunday, March 18, 2012

Swingin' Free!

Today we went to the park to enjoy the gorgeous weather we've been having. It was the usual--the boys romped around, climbed on the equipment, slid down the slides. Usually, the swings are a rather painful experience. Logan especially loves them, but once he's on the swing, there's no getting him off of it...and there you are, pushing him on the swing until your arm goes numb. Last year we tried teaching him to pump his legs and keep himself going. He pumped his legs alright, but he didn't get very much momentum going because we neglected to teach him about the leaning that's involved too. It's funny how you forget the nuances of little things like swinging on a swing set when you're an old fogey. Anyway, today he actually mastered the leaning and the leg pumping to keep himself going successfully. We're officially free of pushing one of our kiddos on the swing! Yahoo!

Auden is still our perpetually happy boy. The nice weather is wearing him out, which is great because the 3-4:00 AM wake-ups have gone by the wayside. He scoots along happily outside, (except when he wipes out and skins his knees) kicking soccer balls and throwing playground balls in the air. When he falls, he lets out this throaty "Ahww" or Whoa." When he comes inside, he shoves food in his face and cuddles with his "beedy."

His favorite words of the week are "outside," "inside," "door," "water," and tonight, he gleefully sang out "pizza!" since we made it a Sunday night pizza dinner again. He's becoming so independent--I can't believe how quickly he's growing, how loving he is, how wonderful his big brother is. I love, love, love my boys!

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