Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Crabbies

Merry Christmas, everybody!

Logan spent his latest night out ever last night at the Hills' house for Christmas Eve. He had a blast running around with his cousins until he clobbered Kaleb and got a time-out. Everyone thought it was hilarious how he was facing the corner at the end of the hall, crying. I guess it works in his favor that even when Logan is in trouble he's entertaining. He was particularly fond of Isabel, Jackie's new baby. He kept climbing up on the lap of whomever was holding the baby and pointing at the little bundle, smiling and saying "baby-o!"

Unfortunately, Logan started sneezing like a maniac later in the evening, and what we hoped might be an allergic reaction to the dogs or the relatives (ha!) ended up being a pretty yucky cold. We finally left the Hills' around 11:00 in the rain, and Logan soon was snoring in the back. He made up for his quick sleep in the car by waking up shrieking three times in the night. He felt pretty miserable, poor guy, but I rubbed some of the natural Vick's stuff Auntie Christine gave us, and that seemed to help. Nevertheless, he woke up around 9:30 pretty crabby, but we ate a small breakfast and then opened presents, and that helped raise his spirits. We got some pretty good video of him opening his toys--he particularly liked his hot wheels and keyboard. We bought him a little karaoke mic, too, but he hasn't quite found his voice for it yet. :)

We spent the rest of the day lazing around, napping and such. After his nap, he got down to The Fugees--pretty funny, and now we're getting ready to get his bee-don (blankie) and cuddle on the couch some more on this rainy, cold Christmas Day.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

1 comment:

Adolfo said...

The Fugees??

Did Logan sing The Fugees on his new Christmas Present?

Please explain....