Monday, October 31, 2011

Surge of words

So, I'm probably going down in the books as the meanest mom ever, but I had to take Auden in to get his one-year shots today. I had already waited two months in hopes that this other doctor would open his practice nearby, but the recording on his phone and the message on his site says that it's not in the cards for us now. Because I didn't want to wait any longer, we took him to the other doc I'm not so keen on. Do those shots have to take forever? I swear, I don't remember them taking that long when Logan had his. Four shots--two on each thigh. Oh the crying, oh the tears. It hurt my heart, and to make matters worse, he was yelling, "Momma! Momma!" the whole time I was pinning his little arms and legs to the table. There should be some kind of law against making mothers hold their own children down for shots.

He bounced back though, much better than I did, and we all ate dinner together. Auden has been a little slow to pick up words of yet, but he's started saying "momma" pretty regularly. You must be careful what you wish for--any time he wants something now, it's "momma!" He also says "dada" and "uh-oh," though the two don't go together as often as you'd think. Tonight, he said "more," which sounded like "moe," when he wanted more pineapple slices at dinner, and he said "ball" when we were tossing the ball around after dinner. When we asked him where his mouth was, he opened wide and said "Ahh!" with a heaping mouthful of food. Pretty adorable.

Trick-or-treating was tonight, and Logan dressed up in his old-school Batman gear. Little Robin, Auden, stayed home with me to hand out candy, but he tried to swipe a Blow Pop every time the bowl came within striking distance. Logan made a pretty good haul and had fun going around to neighboring houses with his buddies from the block. But his trick came earlier today at Miss Dawn's. Apparently, he and his cousin Kaleb were playing on the playset in their back yard, and Kaleb told Logan he couldn't go down the slide. Not being one to accept the word "can't," Logan stated that if Kaleb didn't let him go, he would punch him in the face. Of course, Kaleb didn't think Logan would actually do it...nor would I, for that matter, but he did. My son balled up his fist and punched Kaleb right in the jaw. Where is he getting this stuff?! Maybe we should cool it on the superheroes for a while...or I should stop punching Eric in the face...maybe.

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