Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy New Year!

I can't believe I didn't make a holiday post yet, but with the festivities over, I think it's high time I post a recap of the boys' holiday happiness this year.

Logan was in his first Christmas play this year. He dressed in a little sheep costume, walked up the aisle, sat with the other sheep (including his "girlfriend" Emmy, an 8-year-old cougar, apparently), and waited for the play to be over. He was adorable, even if he didn't know "Away in a Manger," which the older kids sang at the end of the play. He can, however, sing "Jingle Bells" with gusto (except for the "one horse open sleigh" line-he kind of mumbles through that one.)

Auden was really into the demo (that's demolition, not demonstration) portion of Christmas this year, much to Logan's dismay, since he unwrapped many of Auden's gifts last year. No, Auden made up for last year's disinterest. He unwrapped gifts with a vengeance, and his favorite toys were these Russian-doll style nesting dinosaur figures and stacking cubes. Of course, he enjoyed the demo part of the stacking toys, too. Oh, and he loves this inflatable blue donkey (?) horse (?) bounce toy. It's strangely fitting for the holiday season, since that was Mary's ride and all.

We celebrated Christmas a couple of times with Eric's family and spent a few days with my family, rounded out Eric's vacation with a little stay-cay in Chicago, so we enjoyed a fun, yet restful winter break with family and friends we love. Who could ask for anything more? Oh, and speaking of restful, the boys slept in most days until 7:00, even close to 8:00 on some mornings. I've been trying to set my alarm earlier and earlier this week to try to get back in the swing of things, but the siren song of blessed silence always tempts me to sleep in. Next week is going to be brutal as we start our early wake-ups again.

This week I've been enjoying my time off with the boys while Eric has been going back to work. We've been playing with the new toys...and the old ones. Logan and Auden are starting ever so slowly to play together better. Auden yells "Go!" as the Hot Wheels shoot down the race track Logan got for Christmas. Logan shouts "Lane 5 won!" even though we have no idea which car was in lane 5. They're having little dance parties together with this little music-maker wand toy Auden got for Christmas.

Tomorrow, Logan and I are visiting a preschool I'd like him to go to next year. Hard to believe we're embarking on the school expedition already. Here's hoping we can make this work next year!

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