Sunday, November 4, 2012

It must be the witches...

Last night I was tucking Logan into bed, and he put his blankie around his feet, under his comforter. "Are you getting cold at night?" I asked, thinking his legs and feet were chilly or something.
"No, I just like to put my blankie and Spikey (his panda bear) under my covers at night so the witch won't get them."
"Yeah, this witch comes in my room at night and just throws my blankie and my panda on my floor while I'm sleeping."
"No, I think that you twist and turn at night and kick your blankie and panda out of your bed."
"Nope. It's the witch. Where do witches come from, anyway?"

Maybe we just had a little too much Halloween this year? Our neighborhood block party was pretty tame, but we made the most of it. The boys had fun playing with their friends. I made a jello brain. A good time was had by all, in short.

The boys did their trick-or-treating early to beat the cold, so we had fun hanging our with our friend Leah and handing out candy to other ghoulies. I think Logan actually had more fun handing out candy than he did getting candy for himself.

Auden is fighting off a cold and ear infection. He's been handling it like a champ, but I wish the coughing and snotty nose would clear up already. It's been about two weeks and he's still hacking and blowing snot rockets. Why must toddlers wipe the snot that's oozing out of their nose clear across their face, but it's like the worst thing in the world if you wipe their noses with a tissue? Gross.

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