Saturday, December 1, 2012

Jokes from a four-year-old

Logan's really into jokes these days. Not ones he's heard...ones he comes up with himself. So I thought I'd share a little taste of his sense of humor. It's strange, but these two jokes say a lot about, well, his parents' poor joke-telling skills.

Why did the bear cross the road?
To get to the other side so he could eat the stuff over there.
(Ok, a variation on the classic chicken version, but with an added practical reason for the bear's short jaunt. Way too logical/serious to be funny. He gets it from me.)

Why did the bear eat the wolf?
Because he was mad at the wolf because the wolf was making fun of the wolf...I mean the he ate him!
(Screwed up the punch line...Totally Eric. But this one made me laugh anyway.)

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