Sunday, August 22, 2010

Last Day of Summer

It's back to school for me (eric) tomorrow. I can hardly believe that the summer is done. I don't really feel like getting into teacher-mode with the arrival of Auden, but ready or not the school year approaches. I am excited about teaching in my own classroom this year, and I feel like I have a good handle on the new curriculum we are using, but I feel funny going off to work and leaving Carly, Logan, and Auden. I imagine that is how Carly felt when I was staying at home with Logan. Time moves quickly in this here life. Logan is nearly two and a half and becoming such a big lil' boy. He is so full of energy and enthusiasm. And Auden...he is nearly two weeks old already. Where does the time go? Auden has been an angel...he is a very laid back baby and hardly fusses. He is becoming so alert during the day and I'm sad that I am not going to be around to witness it. I know we all have to make a living, but it hardly seems right that we have to sacrifice time with our kids. I am taking a lot of comfort in the fact that Carly gets to experience the rhythms of the stay-at-home life with our two boys. I hope she loves it like I did. And hey, I'll be home for dinner and the evenings so it's not like I'll be gone the entire day. Plus, the teacher-ly life has a lot of breaks in it. Anyway, today I officially hand-off the blog to Carly. She's now Mommy at Home and may find some time to blog. I'm looking forward to hearing about her adventures with the boys.

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