Friday, November 5, 2010

Auden, the tiny human sprinkler system

It's amazing how many times I've been peed on the past three months. I know, from other mothers telling me, and from my past experience with Logan, that little boys can put on the waterworks quite effectively during diaper changes. But this kid of mine takes the cake. Somehow, despite my tenting his sprayer with a burp cloth or receiving blanket, he still manages to kick it off and make it happen. Showers. All over himself, the wall, the changing table. Thankfully, he usually misses me. It shouldn't surprise me though. After all, his first action as a newborn was to baptize the nurses in the delivery room. I just didn't know that would be a talent that would stick with him quite this long. My favorite, though, is when I'm changing him--usually at 3 or 4 in the morning--and he sends up a shower. While I'm mopping that mess up, he follows it by spitting up all over himself. Even more rarely, I've had all three--explosive baby poop, pee, and spit up. That's when I imagine the hydra myth probably began with a sleep-deprived mother of a newborn who was overwhelmed with her son's dynamic diaper changes.

In other news, Auden has discovered his hands this week. He looked at them and had this amazed expression on his face, as if to say, "Hey, what are these things? And what can I do with them?" He quickly found out what they are and what he can do with them (aside from stuffing them in his mouth) when I hung a toy just beyond his grasp. He batted at and held on to it, grinning with satisfaction. We also think we've heard a couple of giggles issuing from our happy guy. He's definitely becoming more active and interested in his surroundings. The three-month characteristics are beginning to appear.

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