Saturday, July 23, 2011


That's the way it's been around here lately. HOT. In the upper 90s and even up to 100+ with the heat index. It's kind of funny. I feel like I'm used to hot weather and humidity, having grown up further south where it's about 10 degrees hotter than here on any given day. Yes, it's unpleasant and annoying to be cooped up inside when my work-free days are quickly flying by. But fortunately, we had a nice rain storm yesterday and last night, which gave us just a bit of a break from the stifling heat. So Eric and I, bored out of our minds, decided to go to Brookfield yesterday at 3PM. We're members this year, so we feel the need to make use of it, even though we arrived only two hours before closing. It ended up being a really nice trip. Few people were there. It wasn't that hot, and we got to stand under the misters as long as we wanted because, again, few people were there. Logan got to see all the critters he wanted, except for the elephants, who were chilling in the a/c or something. Still, it seems the true highlight of any zoo trip for Logan is the playground. He got to play on two of them, so all in all, it was a good trip to the zoo.

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