I do believe it...I do believe it's true. That was for all you Simon and Garfunkel fans out there. And some context for those of you who wondered if I was totally off my rocker. Yesterday was a gorgeous day around here--in the upper 60s, unheard of in July, but we rolled with it and met Ramona and her two little ones at the Brookfield Zoo. I had never been there, and it was Logan's first zoo adventure. He was more engaged that I had expected. He saw a small group of marmosets scurry across a rope and two young gorillas chase each other in the tree tops. He also saw a baby elephant walking around. Oh, and the animatronic dinosaurs. Now those were spectacular (italics = sarcasm). Every five minutes or so, the oversized toys would work their jaws and swing their tails. I don't know what was sadder, the exhibit or the fact that I paid $5 to see it.
I remember when I was a kid the zoo was a fascinating place. Now it just makes me sad. Watching wild animals pent up in faux habitats being gawked at day in and day out. What's worse is that these places may be the animals' only habitats one day. Will Logan take his kids to see phony-looking animatronic Tigers and Polar Bears? Ok, there should be some kind of rule against posting depressing blog entries, but that's all I got, kids.
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