Monday, May 17, 2010

Turkey Jerky

Yo! Been a long time since I blogged (this is Eric). Anyway, summer is approaching and the Hill family is very much looking forward to it. Wanted to write about our recent trips to Target and how we can no longer exit the store without Logan saying "Turkey Jerky." He loves the stuff and it's so darn cute hearing it that I had to write about it for posterity. Even though I claim to be a vegetarian, anyone who knows me knows that I have a hard time turning down jerkied meats. Well, now I have an excuse to indulge in the MSG wonder known as Turkey Jerky. It's a great treat to keep Logan busy in the car when he is fussy too. Although I guess it is sort of a choking hazard. Anyway, hearing a two year old repeat turkey jerky about a hundred times doesn't really get old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Logan has something in common with grandpa George who loves jerky as well!