Monday, August 24, 2009

Day One of Day Care

Well, Logan did splendidly on his first day of daycare at Miss Dawn's, much better than Eric and I did. We woke the little guy up at 6AM this morning, changed him, and packed him up in the car. Eric shed a few tears and said goodbye, and we were off on our big day. He was happy as a clam as soon as he got there--breakfast was ready for him, and he was eager to flirt with the girls. Dawn said he was smiling all day, just watching everyone. He even hugged her little girls--how cute! When I came to pick him up, he smiled and ran right for me, then thought better of it and ran toward the toys and the girls. It was reassuring that he was having so much fun there, but I have to admit it made me feel a bit useless as a mommy. We'll see what tomorrow will bring. Hopefully he's just as angelic as he was today! I left his steel sippy cup over at Dawn's for him to use, but on second thought, I think I had better trade it for his plastic sippy. He's been known to bonk other kids on the head with his cup, and I think he would easily give one of the girls a concussion if he decided to do that with his steel cup. We're crossing our fingers that things will continue to go well!

1 comment:

leah said...

glad to hear that the first day of day care went so well!! Logan does have a wicked right hook--plastic vs. metal sounds like a good call! Now, get some sleep, all of you!!