Sunday, August 31, 2008

Too much stimulus...too little napping.

The most adorable thing happened today. Logan decided to forego his morning snooze and see how long he could stay up. He was a bit over four hours awake when we were at church. Carly and I (and Logan, I suppose) actually joined The First Congregational United Church of Christ this morning. We've been impressed with the church so far and it feels good to be a part of a greater spirtual community. But anyway, that's not my story.

So Logan was good for the service and didn't fuss much. At the end of the service, the new members sort of lined up and the old members greeted and welcomed us (think receiving line at a wedding). Anyway, at this point, Logan started to get all glassy-eyed. He was staring at each unique face and seemed to be taking it in, and you could see his little brain getting overloaded. And so, after about ten greetings or so, Logan decided to curl his head into my chest and close his eyes. He was out in under a minute. He got all loosey-goosey and limp, and it was really cute--a nice moment.

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