Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Doctor Visits

Doctor visits are a waste of time, except when they aren't. I took Logan to the doctor today because he has had a cold for close to three weeks now. He never had a fever (that we know of) and he has never been so terrible that we were freaked out or anything. It has just been a nagging cold that won't go away. Symptons: snotty nose, phleghmy cough, sneezing, goopy eyes, etc. I don't know why I decided to take him to the pediatrician because I knew that they weren't going to do anything, but I did and guess what: they didn't do anything. It still made me feel better though. I did learn that he has a bruised eardrum, perhaps from coughing too hard. Doesn't sound like fun. Anyway, I wish that I could magically make my child unsick but it doesn't work like that. Bummer.

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