Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Acrostic Poem

How 'bout an acrostic poem using Logan's name.

I'll call it: Monkey Boy

L-over of blueberry flesh, refried beans, and graduate puffs,
O-rangutan of the hill household, clinging on to Dad as snot drips down his nose,
G-ah, gah, gah, mah, bah, dah echo his calls through the jungle of our house,
A-nd he explores fervently, intelligently examining colorful toys and wooden blocks.
N-ow walking on two feet, evolving as we speak: our monkey boy, our Logan.

Wow...what a terrible poem. Haven't tried that in a while. I'm embarrassed to post but I'll do so anyway.


Carly said...

Monkey boy? Wasn't that a spooky character on SNL? I like the house being described as a jungle, very appropriate.

leah said...

Yes--Mr. Peepers!!
Nice 90's SNL reference, Mrs. Hill!!