Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Punishment From the Gods

Logan had a terrible, terrible, terrible night. He first woke up at 10:45, just as we had fallen asleep. No biggie, right? I cuddled him a bit and he went back down. For me, the night wasn't so terrible because I guess I slept through the 11:00 p.m. through 3:00 a.m. crying (although I was having dreams which involved crying children in them) but for Carly it was horrific since she couldn't sleep through it. I guess he woke up every half hour or so, whining/crying enough to wake Carly up and then proceeded to be quiet for another 20-30 minutes. Carly finally got around to relaxing and snoozing and then he would stir again and wake her up. This happened over and over and over again. I got my fill of it during the early morning hours. From about 3:30 to 5:00 he was constantly stirring around. (And oh yeah, you have to love two cats scratching at the mini blinds wanting to look out). I thought sitting up with him would calm him down. He had ants in his pants the whole time he was resting on me. Everything would seem so comfortable and quiet and then he would feel the need to kick his leg or shift his head or flail his arms and readjust his position. It was maddening. Why oh why oh why is this happening? Can antibiotics have this sort of side effect? Are his ears bothering him? Is his diaper rash making sleeping uncomfortable? Is he sprouting a tooth? A combination of all of this? It feels like we are being punished for past karmic deeds. Perhaps we are. Well, Carly is off to work...


leah said...

Hang in there Carly--school is winding to a close!!!
Lesson plan for today:
"Okay kids, take out your books and start reading, Mrs. Hill is just going to rest her eyes for a little bit zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

Good luck with the little sick one today Eric!

great auntie marlene said...

Sorry you two had such a rough night with Logan. Sometimes antibiotics can cause stomach maybe Logans restlessness is from that. Hopefully he's not too crabby for you today.

grammy renee said...

Hope tonight is a better night. Too many of those will up all night---nights will wear on your last nerve!! Take care and know we are thinking about you!

Nita said...

Sometimes it would be nice if they could talk and tell you what's wrong! Poor little guy :( We need a new pic for the front page by the way.