Sunday, April 26, 2009


Logan has had a temperature all day and it is worrisome because we don't know why. 104.3 is not the oldie radio station, but rather what the thermometer said the first time. Scary! Carly and I both freaked out and were frantic for a bit. We gave him tylenol, put him in a lukewarm bath, and put some cool towels on his forehead. An hour later his temp. went down two degrees, but it's pretty obvious Logan isn't feeling well. He can't sleep or nap, isn't too interested in food, and is entirely cuddly. He's with his Momma right now, head nestled on her chest.

We contemplated an E.R. trip, but after some internet research and phone calls to parents and the doctor, cooler heads have prevailed so to speak. I'll take him in tomorrow and he'll probably get a blood test to rule out a bacterial infection.

It's been a bit of a crazy day. And I turn on the t.v. and see 86 people have died in Mexico from the swine flu. Yikes.


Unknown said...

Poor Logan . . .we've been there, and it is scary. Although you probably already know, but alternating Tylenol and Motrin every 3 hours seemed to help when Zoe was really sick. And the bloodtest really wasn't that bad, but if they have to do xrays -- it looks worse than it is. Keep us posted!

AAWG said...

Roseola gives the babes high temps like that for 3 days & then it breaks and they have a blotchy rash on their body for a day.

We give them popcicles - it calms them, cools them down & tastes good. The sugar will just get burned off anyway.

I know it feels frantic, but stay calm. Babies & toddlers can burn pretty hot & even have a seizure from it without any ill effects.

Cool rags & popcicles! :) He'll be fine soon.

leah said...

Oh dear! Poor Logan! Hope he's feeling better soon!