Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Panera: Lunch Paradise

I wanted to get out of the house today so I made a quick trip to Wal-Mart (our Target is now closed) in order to get a sheperd's hook and some water softener salt. I plan on hanging the hummingbird feeder outside our bedroom window on the sheperd's hook so hopefully we have some little birdie visitors. After out shopping extravaganza it was around lunchtime and I decided I didn't feel like going back home so we went to Panera. I was going to have Logan nibble off my food but then I decided what the heck and bought him the kiddie grilled cheese meal. It came with yogurt and I also bought a milk. Logan nearly ate everything. He seemed to really enjoy the sandwich and was slurping down the milk and yogurt like there was no tomorrow. I don't know what got in to him, but he was hungry this lunchtime and I was pleased considering it cost us $14.00 for him and I to eat lunch. Panera is good, but it's expensive. Anyway, it was nice hanging out and being social with my baby. After the meal we went home and planted some herbs in the garden. Logan decided to eat dirt and throw dirt up in the air, getting it all in his hair. It was cute, but messy.

1 comment:

grammy renee said...

How ironic!! Grandpa George and I had Panera for dinner tonight. We had an anniversary gift card and so it was even more enjoyable! Glad to hear Logan likes one of our favorite places.