Saturday, May 2, 2009

Back to Blogging

Sorry that I've been M.I.A. the past two days. I have no excuse for my absence from the blogosphere other than a touch of laziness. But I'm back with a vengeance now and have plenty to say...along with pictures. For example:

Carly and I have had three nights of uninterrupted sleep. Logan finally feels better so the antibiotics must be doing the trick. He loves his twice daily medicine, sucking down the orange flavored antibiotics like candy. They don't really seem to be having any side effects so that is good.

Logan has a new trick in his repertoire: he discovered that he has the ability to peer through his legs while upside down. It's very cute and endearing. He stands up, then rests his head on the ground peering through his legs upside down. He played this game for about 15 minutes the other day and I thought at one point that he was going to transition into a full headstand. Maybe he'll be a gymnast someday. Time for another picture:

Logan had a nice time at his great grammy's 75th birthday. Here he is enjoying the company of his great aunties. Well...I guess that's enough for now. We are getting ready to enjoy our nice weather weekend. There is so much to do in the yard, garage, and garden that I have to get busy. Stay tuned for our practice camping adventure...perhaps even tonight we might set up the tent in the backyard in preparation for our camping trip to the grand canyon. We'll see how Logan likes to "rough it."

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