Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yuck, McDonalds

Logan tried his first McDonald's cheesburger yesterday...and he didn't like it. After Carly got back from school we took a long walk to the post office. Of course it started to rain when we were the farthest point away from our house, but no worries since we brought an umbrella and Logan has his waterproof Chariot jogging stroller. Anyway, McDonald's was across the street from the post office and we decided to get dinner there in hopes of waiting out the heavy rain. Logan has had homemade burger patties and enjoys them most of the time, but was not into the McDonald's burgers. Most all of it ended up on the floor. I guess a dislike for cheeseburgers runs in the family because Carly doesn't like 'em either. Logan filled up on fries and when we got home he had some yogurt and fake chicken patties. Maybe he's a vegetarian baby after all?


leah said...

Next time--a Portillo's cheeseburger should be part of the equation. Let's see the vegetarian baby deny one of those!!
Plus, it DID help bring him into the world, so it should definitely be second nature!

Adolfo said...

I think you should feed Logan McDonalds for 30 days. Nothing BUT McDonalds. Film it, call it, "Supersized Baby".

Carly said...

I think he'd rather starve. You should have seen the way he spit those burger chunks out. Raspberries and everything!