Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Boy of Many Moods

Logan is an interesting creature. I don't understand yet why he acts the way he does. For the past few days he has been especially moody. His emotions can swing from extremely happy to very disgruntled in two seconds flat. He's been getting tired at unusual times of the day and has been a bear on the changing table. I think some of this revolves around his many teeth coming in (he has 8 now), but I think more of the issue stems from his emerging ego. Logan understands himself more as a creature with a will. He wants things and wants them now! When the refrigerator is open and you close it before he can get his little hands on the eggs and butter container, well he let's us know about it. When the front door is open and you don't let him slap on the glass door (he's broken the latch off the frame, have to re-screw that) well Logan lets you know how unhappy that makes him. He is becoming independent and wants to assert his will, but he doesn't always know what he wants, so I guess that's frustrating for him. I think he's getting frustrated with falling down all the time too. He's getting close to walking and we're pulling for him to do it before his first birthday, but he sure falls down a lot. It's a tad damaging to his confidence, but he's resilient our little monkey. Oh...reminds me that we have to get a new gate that blocks the stairs. Logan's new habit is to climb the gate and precariously perch there tempting the fates nearly ready to do a flip forward.

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