Monday, March 2, 2009

Hey, Mr. Sunshine

What a Monday morning my lil' lad had. He certainly had an inner exuberance that made staying at home the most satisfying job I've ever had. Logan was plain ol' happy at being alive this morning and his giddiness was contagious. I couldn't help but be in a good mood either.

The morning for Logan and I started at 6:20 when Carly shut the door on her way out to work. Logan woke up and began to babble. In vain, I went in there like Speedy Gonzalez, giving him a bottle and hoping I could get him milk drunk enough so that he would sleep another hour. Alas, when I put him down he decided that he was going to chatter and babble, no doubt talking to all the magical gnomes, sprites, and fairies that inhabit his nursery in the wee morning hours. And so, I closed my eyes in bed listening to the quiet murmurs of the baby babble. Around 7:11 Logan decided he had had enough conversation and decided he wanted a new diaper and some breakfast. I complied. We shared a banana; I fried us up an egg, and he ate the yolk with toast; we simply enjoyed each other's company. Logan was smiley and talkative and gesturing via claps and hand gestures. We played with his walker, fed the goldfish, and relaxed as the sun streamed through the open shades. I just put him down for his nap after he let out a yawn or two, and he is now napping without so much as a whimper. What a great way to start off the week. I'm going to be with Logan pretty much all day today because Carly is taking a CPR class tonight (infant CPR). Hope the rest of the day goes as smoothly as the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! I hope you have lots more of them. As you are finding, time flies too quickly and it's great to be able to cherish the simple, happy times you have with your child.