Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Either we have a parrot in the house, or Logan said "Carly," his mother's name. He was in his high chair finishing up some jasmine rice and black lentil Indian food and I was cleaning up the counter top when all of a sudden, amongst the senseless baby babbling, I hear the word, "Carly." It was pretty cool and I tried to encourage him to say it again. Logan sort of murmured the sounds...but didn't repeat it. But I'm pretty sure I heard it, so yeah for baby.

As he matures, Logan is becoming more interactive. Today we were wrestling on the guest bed and he was really babbling and laughing and moving around. I can remember not that long ago when I would simply plop him on that same bed and he would barely move. I would tickle him and mimic rabid bear attacks with Mahi the Bear and Blue Bear. Logan liked that game and would giggle and laugh, maybe rolling over once or twice. Now, I have to be very careful that he doesn't crawl off and land on his head. And now he is more like the rabid bear, pawing everything and getting into all the things he shouldn't.

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