Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Tempest

No, I am not blogging about a Shakespeare play. Rather, I'll be discussing the blustery storm that is the ups and downs of child rearing. We had such a great day yesterday; however, today has started off horrible, horrific, atrocious, insane. Today started last night at 3:00 in the morning. Carly was grading until 1:00 in the morning and so had gotten 2 hours of sleep when Logan woke up. I fed him and put him back down and he slept quietly for 10 minutes. Around 3:20 he began to shriek and cry and my plan was to ignore it, but Carly wasn't feeling that option. I tried to comfort him but it wasn't working. I tried bringing him into bed with us (why I don't know because it never works). He continued to scream bloody murder. It's a case of the teeth coming in, I think. Carly tried for a bit and came back unsuccessful too. She was upset and ready to lose it and I wasn't much better. I got out the earplugs, popped them in mine and Carly's ears, and we let Logan cry until what...4:45 or so, I think. Carly woke up at 5:15 and started her day...I think Logan began to whimper again or something. Anyway, I feel bad and wish I could have done something to help Carly out but Logan wasn't sleeping and I couldn't make him.

I expected him to wake up at his usual 7:00 this morning, but he actually slept in until 8:30. But from 8:30 to 10:30 he was a wreck...not eating, drooling, crying, shrieking, hardly consolable. I tried to get him to take a nap unsuccessfully around 9:30...and then was finally successful at 10:30. Hopefully he can sleep off whatever it was that made him so fussy.


AAWG said...

Yep. There'll be days like that! My kids sleep (thank god) but the times when they haven't for days on end, look out. We have had some spectacular middle-of-the-night freak outs by both myself and my children.

Anonymous said...

When we know it's his teeth, we give him some Tylenol. It usually takes 15 to 20 minutes or so and he falls back asleep pain free.

KSLATZ said...

tell Carly our old boss Cathy used to massage a special potion from Ireland for when her kids teeth came in...I was told later by Gina it was Jack Daniels...not sure if she was joking, but apparently Jack helped her and Tony get through teething for two kids. I'm not recommending whisky for Logan, but it might be a good idea for you and Carly!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kevin about the Jack Daniels. My mom swears she never gave me tequilla, but I think she did. Also, I'm very impressed with the Iron Sheik refernce. Kudos.