Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Danny Duck Takes a Dive

Didn't see too much of Logan today. I dropped Logan off at my Aunt Karen and Uncle Jim's house and went to visit my cousin in the hospital. John is doing better and will get to spend a week at home which he is very much excited about. He'll go for more chemotherapy in a week or so, and we're hoping that the fungal medicine keeps down the mucor during that treatment. He's been such a champ and I know he's going to get better.

I entitled this entry Danny Duck Takes a Dive because that is Logan's favorite book. He reaches for it on the shelf and is actually able to sit still when we read it to him (usually). He likes this particular books among the myriad choices he has because Danny Duck has fuzzy feathers that he can touch, along with Henry the Horse having a shaggy mane, and other sorts of animals with fuzzy parts. Tactile things. Logan is grabby so as long as he can grab, he's happy. Hence, Danny Duck is his favorite book. The story of Danny Duck is alright...lacking in a bit of character development, but you know, good for an 11 month old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

perhaps toddler-lit should be your new genre. that way you could explore myriad plot lines and character development, conflicts, a climax, and a tidy resolution. what more could any toddler ask for in their literature?