Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rough Papa

Notice Logan's new haircut in this picture (even though it's messy). He was an angel yesterday at the salon and sat still for the whole cut. Also notice the nice looking scrape on his chin area. He didn't do that to himself. I did. And I feel awful about it. Two days ago the plumber was here checking out what it would cost to pipe a bathroom in the basement. I was holding Logan and talking with the guy, not paying attention. Somehow, Logan got a bottle of white-out in his hands and was chewing on it while I was talking. The white-out got on his face and hands and wouldn't come off. I scrubbed his chin with a rag and soap and it still wouldn't budge. Eventually it came off but in the process I rubbed his little face raw. Like I said, I feel terrible about it. First off, I don't know how he got the white-out. I should have been paying attention. And then I rub his face too hard. Bad Dad. I hope that it goes away by his first birthday party next weekend. I would feel really guilty if the pictures were all messed up because of my roughness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Eric. Our little guy has an uncanny ability to get into trouble at roughly the speed of light. Remember when I took my eye off of him for a minute at Jim and Shonda's? There he was, crawling his way--head-first--down the second step. Oops. At least he's not trying to climb up onto the roof yet...